Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Undiet Journey

I am here to share my journey with others who have been plagued by dieting or the pressure of society to look perfect and have the perfect body. I am here to research and discuss what the true roots of our health problems and weight problems stem from.  I am here to start a discussion about the success or lack thereof in America. Why is it that we are the most "health conscious" country but that we are fast becoming the most obese in the world? Why are we counting calories and watching fat grams or carbs but becoming more and more large as the years go by?  I am going to talk about my own struggles with weight and body issues and to give some encouragement to those out there in the same boat. Is weight really correlated with health problems as they say? Do we really know? What do others have to say about this? I have a lot to say about this. Can we really blame ourselves for our weight issues or is it really about our obsession with diets? Maybe it is the diets that are the problem. All I know is that I have dieted my way to my heaviest weight ever. I'm here to explore other options with people out there. Could we actually heal our bodies to help us lose weight instead of lose weight to heal our bodies?  Should we start with an inside out approach?  What else is causing us to experience health problems?  I am on my journey to self-discovery and contentment with who I am. I am calling for an overhaul of what it means to be beautiful and I'm calling for us to start being happy with who we are instead of wanting to be a different body shape. Can we focus on eating healthy and moving and not the number on the scale? Are there foods or herbs or supplements that can help us attain better health?  I have been researching health for years and I may have some interesting thoughts. I have been off of the diet mentality for 8 months now and counting and I hope to share what I have learned with you as I continue along this journey. Maybe some people will choose to undiet with me. I hope so! Heres to shaking things up a bit!